VOLTAs with DS al Fine - playback not working

• Dec 14, 2024 - 11:39

Using Musescore 3.6.2 I have a piece called Director's Twostep which should play the section from bar 72 twice, then play the section from bar 89 once with first time ending then with second time ending, then DS al Fine to play the section from bar 72 once with first time ending and finally with the ending marked LAST. ve

I have tried changing the repeat lists on the voltas but no matter what I try the playback plays correctly till DS Al Fine. Then it plays the Bar 72 section but only once and then it plays from bar 89 once when I want it to stop at Fine.

Attachment Size
The Director's Twostep.mscx 157.13 KB


It's not totally clear what you want.
Do you want

  • measure 72 -m. 87 twice
  • m. 89 to end twice
  • then D.S. al fine with m. 27 - 87, twice
    and then? Measure 72-86 and then 88 and fine?

In reply to by HildeK

Sorry. Should have been clearer.

M 72 to 87 twice.
Then M 89 to 104 (1)
Then 8 9 to 103 Then 105 (2)
Then DS M 72 to 87 (1)
Then M 72 to 86 Then 88 (LAST) at Fine

I hope that's clearer.

As I said no matter what I try, the playback is fine for the first four lines above, but then it goes wrong. The playback plays M 72 to 87 again and continues to play M 89 to 103 and then 105 and then stops.

Hope you can help.

In reply to by Donald Paton

Like the attached score. Notice that I've labeled the measures as you have them labeled, but they are not in the same order and thus will not be numbered (automagically) the same as you have them numbered.

20241215 130102.mscz

IMPORTANT: Select the D.S. and inspect its Properties. Look in particular at the checkbox to Play repeats at the bottom of the Jump section. This checkbox is normally NOT checked because the normal effect of a D.S. or D.C. is to NOT play repeats after them.

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