single staff and multiple staves

• Jul 23, 2010 - 05:45

I'm Japanese so sorry to write bad English.
I want to make single staff and double staves in 1 page but Ican not.
please teach me how to do it.
Thank you.


When you create a new file, in the instrument list, choose a piano and a flute for example. The piano will be a 2 staves system, the flute one staff. Does that answer your question?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm sorry I could't explain what I want to say for my bad English.
I want to write one staff part and double staves part in 1 page. For example, for intro, using double staves and for theme, using one staff. So I want to know how to change the type of staves in half way.

In reply to by Stefan Falt

when I start with double staves mode, bar line is displayed in the same in all parts . I want to connect between two staves with bar line just in double staves part.
but the problem resolved when I use [separate staves](?I don't know the function name in English).
I'm sorry maybe I don't understand your idea enough. but your idea : hide staves is useful for me.
Thank you very much.

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