Verses and Voices: Confusing note heads

• Nov 3, 2010 - 09:00

Hi all!

I have attached a ficticious example of what I am trying to do (with a specific piece of copyright sheet music). I have a first verse and a second verse, and at places the first and second verses have differing rhythm patterns starting or ending on the same notes. The ficitious example gives all possibilites that I need to solve as of yet.

Separately, the first and second verses are no problem at all. However, when I need to write notes and lyrics of the second verse and first verse in the same place on the sheet music (the second verse being played instead when the section in question is repeated) then I use two voices to print the differing notes/rhythms.

However, because the notes are different yet sometimes are on the same pitch, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the verses, and at times it is not possible to see what needs to be played:
- In the first bar, the notes of the different voices can be too close together
- In the second bar, the first note (a C) is confusing. The voices need to be separated somehow.
- The same with the 5th note in the 2nd bar (also a C)
- And the same with the last note of the 2nd bar (a B)

The desired result that I am looking for is different horizontal placement of voices on the same beat of a bar -- Please see the scanned Desired.png file for the desired effect that I want and need. (I can already make the notes small as needed)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Attachment Size
Ficticious Example.mscz 2.61 KB
Ficticious Example.pdf 17.06 KB
Desired.png 2.28 KB


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