
• Apr 20, 2015 - 08:52

Hi, I'm trying to get some delay or equalizer on an instrument by use Zita 1 (synth).
As I do this, the delay is on all of my instruments.
How can I use it on just one?

Gr. Frans


I'm afraid Zita is inserted across the master channels at the moment.

Consequently it is a question of all or nothing :(

I believe Werner is working on code to enable Channel insert effects, but until he finishes the only way to achieve what you want is to use JACK to route MuseScore's MIDI output to suitable 3rd party audio generation and processing software.

I'm gradually building up some expertise in the use of JACK with MuseScore in Windows, so if you need help let me know.

In reply to by karelmollen

You can definitely use multiple soundfonts, although it isn't quite clear exactly what you are asking. To load soundfonts, go to View / Synthesizer and press the Add button. You can have as many soundfonts loaded at once as your computer's memory allows. And all of the sounds from all of the soundfonts are avsiable for use in any staff via View / Mixer. You can changes sounds mid-score by adding an Instrument element from the Text palette and then changing its sound in the Mixer or via the right click menu.

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