Upgrading from Ver to 1, Windows XP

• Feb 21, 2011 - 04:15

I just downloaded the latest Version 1. Right now, I have version installed in my Windows XP computer. Can I just install it over the top? My primary use is for classical guitar score making. Is there an advantage to Version 1 over Version for me.




In reply to by AlanStan

I've just installed 1.0 over the top of 0.9.6 with no problems at all.

Just one little thing.......I can't quite understand the reasoning behind transferring rest entry from the space bar, where it's completely logical to have it, to the number 0 where is surely doesn't belong.

But that's a nit pick. I want to add my thanks to everyone else's for MuseScore in general and 1.0 in particular. It's a brilliant achievement by everyone involved, and we the users will forever be in your debt.

In reply to by Peter B

I have used MuseScore for about a year and a half, and I had gotten used to hitting the space bar for a rest. Apparently many other notation softwares use the space bar to start and stop playback, so the decision was made to make MuseScore work the same way in order to make the transition as easy as possible for those coming from other programs.

I key in all my scores using the computer keyboard, and I've gotten really fast at it, but since using 1.0, I sometimes forget and hit the space instead of the zero for a rest and my score starts playing, which is frustrating. I guess it does make sense to have the rest notation on the number row, since the other note values are there, but I'm an "old dog" and it's hard to learn a "new trick"!

In reply to by Peter B

Note that almost all keyboard shortcuts in MuseScore can be redefined (edit->preferences->shortcuts), so if you must have space as your rest, you can make it so. Personally, I found I did agree with the notion that space should start playback, but I just couldn't get used to 0 for rests. So I changed it to semicolon, which on my keyboard is right next to the letters. I suppose comma would have worked just as well.

I decided yesterday to uninstall the older version and install the newer one.

Thanks to all for the comments.

Regards y saludos

Alan Stancliff

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