unable to delete instrument name left of each line

• Feb 19, 2011 - 10:51
S4 - Minor
by design

I am using Musescore V 1.0 rev.3996
Before V1.0 it was possible to delete the instrument name that is written by musescore on the left hand side of each line (e.g. "B., Clarinet" for the 1. line and "B., Cl." for all the following lines).
The instrument name was deleted by clicking on the name and the pressing the delete key.
This function should be enabled again as it is very useful to me as it inceases the usable width of each line.


Instrument names can be edited in the staff properties dialog.
Direct editing (and deleting) was removed in trunk because of implementation problems. Instrument names are different in that they are created by the layout routine. As "generated" elements they can not be edited and there are even problems to make them selectable. Version 1.0 contains some hacks to let them look like normal elements but that does not work reliable.

Where do I find the staff properties dialog?
Sorry for asking but I am only familar with the german dialogs and I cannot find the staff properties dialog.
Is it possible there to remove the instrument name from the score? Because this is what I need.

I understand that you removed the function due to implementation problems but now the score musescore creates does not look very nice (with a "B., Cl." in front of every line) and each line is smaller than without the instrument name.
I don't understand the use of the instrument name in preceding every line. It makes sense with a score that contains many instruments but not when you have only 1 instrument. Then it is just superfluous (to my opinion).
So I suggest you re-implement the function to remove the instrument name, be it the old way as it was or in an other way (say, a checkbox in the create new score dialog).

Its of course possible to remove the instrument names. Right click into a staff to get the context menu. In the context menu select "Eigenschaften Notenzeile..." (staff properties).
The dialog allows editing of long and short instruments. Simply set an empty string for the instrument names.

Status (old) by design closed

OK, this works fine, this is what I want. I can live with this solution.
Thank you for your support.
We can close this issue.