Voices and instruments

• Mar 28, 2011 - 18:00

I'm new to MuseScore and attempting to work with vocal parts. I'm trying to input SATB music on two staves - soprano and alto parts on a treble clef above the tenor and bass parts on a bass clef. The difficulty I'm having is with instrument definition, which appears to be keyed to the staff and not to the voice. Choosing "soprano" and "bass" for the two staves results in the red-flagging of a lot of my tenor lines, because they are (shocker!) too high for the bass lines. Am I missing something basic, or are the up-to-four voices permitted on a given staff all meant to be duplicates of one another? Should I give up and split all my music into four staves? Seems wasteful.


If you're only wanting to prevent notes from being flagged (coloured) as out of range you can do this via Edit/Preferences. here's what the Handbook says :

"MuseScore colors out-of-range notes as yellow or red in versions 0.9.5 or later. Notes above or below the comfortable range of an amateur appear yellow, note beyond the comfortable range of a professional appear red. The colors are informational and appear on the computer screen but do not appear on printed copies of your scores. To disable note colors in versions 0.9.6 or later choose Edit → Preferences... (Mac: MuseScore → Preferences...), click on the Note Entry tab, and unmark "Color notes outside of usable pitch range"."

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