Accidentally pressed reject in stead of save. Now what?

• Oct 27, 2015 - 13:29

I've been working in a MS-file (MuseScore1) for 4 hours.
I regularly pressed the SAVE-button just to make sure.
At the end I made a mistake, a measure just disappeared which I couldn't get back and so I closed down the file to resume in a reopened version.
Therefore I chose 'Reject' (Verwerpen).
I guessed that the file would have lost the changes I made between the last save and the finish.
Now I've reopened the file and the handmade saves - I made every 15 minutes - have turned out to be lost.
The file is my old file before I started this morning...

Can I restore this somehow?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That was not helpfull, unfortunately...
I'm not looking for the original file, but the one I saved during work several times by hand.
Is that file restoreable after I rejected during closing?

And I also don't understand where to find hidden files in Windows 8...
I'm using MuseScore 1 not MS2.

More help please.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I found the directory, but the file I'm looking for isn't there.
Only the last compressed file from my session I'm working in now.
It was around 13:30 when I rejected the file.

Are you sure that even than (rejecting a file despite several saves by hand) a copy, compressed file or backup will still exist?

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