Same note, different length, in different voices
I have a minim in the bass, G, and exactly the same note as a quaver in another voice. I'd like to show a minim with its stem downwards and the same minim with another stem upwards, joined to other quavers. I can just about fudge this by making notes invisible and nudging others around to hang on the right stem, but it's awfully messy. Is there a clever way to do this?
Not sure what you really want. The standard way is as measure 1 in the attached file. If you want like in measure 2, right click on the quaver -> note properties -> notehead type -> half note
In reply to Not sure what you really by [DELETED] 5
Thanks. I couldn't get the note heads in different voices to coincide - I didn't know that if you set the quaver notehead to a minim type it would automatically overlay the real minim.
In reply to Not sure what you really by [DELETED] 5
While you're on that topic, sometimes I would want the second voice head to be to the left of the first voice head when they are unison with different durations. How can I reverse them?
In reply to While you're on that topic by JaimeWJr
Shift-X flips the notehead to the oppositw side of the stem. Perhaps that's what you mean? Also, double clicking a note puts you in edit mod and then the cursor keys let you move it.