Why is my file suddenly locked?

• Dec 3, 2015 - 21:06

I'm working on a lead sheet.

I made some adjustments and saved under a different name.

I left MS for about an hour to do other work/same computer.
I went back to MS, printed the page, found an error, corrected and tried to save.

Box came up "... file is locked. save under....".



In reply to by xavierjazz

Could be something to do with Windows' file cacheing system.

As I understand it Windows initially writes the file to a temporary address on a fast section of the hard-drive, and then resaves it to the actual file location later when the system is not as busy.

The other culprit could be file-indexing.

Whatever - a Windows process had opened the file at the time you were trying to save it, so consequently it was locked.

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