MuseScore uploaded scores display CODA wrongly

• Jan 27, 2016 - 13:39

I am aware of the need to use supported fonts but for some reason the CODA symbol, which is a functional part of the music, displays on the website as (literally) a Chinese character. Don't get this at all.

I double clcked on it in Musescore and the font is the MuseScore font that is used for integral musical symbols that are part of the functionality. All the rest seem okay, "signo" etc.

REF: My uploaded score E Minor Prelude, on the first page, two instances of Chinese coda symbol syndrome.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, I see. It seems a bit strange though that the Coda symbol displays wrongly on the website when other MuseScore music symbols display ok.

As it turns out, I didn't need to use a Coda symbol there, what I really needed was a first time and then second time line, so I will edit the score. Would be nice if Coda symbols displayed on the website though! Are there any other parts of MuseScores that will not display on the website, I wonder? I will be careful with Codas symbols in the meantime.


In reply to by Shoichi

You people are certainly very helpful :-) Well, I have edited the uploaded score now because the coda symbols were not the right ones to use anyway. But I am little bit confused here – I can see from the screen shot that the old coda symbols showed up like that in the inspector.

Could it be that when I upgraded from 1.x to 2.x my symbols somehow got changed or corrupted and I didn't notice it when I went over the score again a year later?

The corrected score is here (with 1st and 2nd time instead of coda symbols), and this looks to be displaying (and playing back) fine:

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