Cannot get an entry to delete

• Jan 30, 2016 - 23:32

I do not know what I am doing incorrectly but twice now I have added something to a document that I cannot delete. I tried to use "object debugger" but could not find the command that related to what I wanted to delete; in the case of the attached, it is the octave command. Deleting or adding bogus measures (please see attached) seemed to effect what I wanted to delete but if it deleted the octave, it so deleted other things I did not want to delete.

How do I find out where the original entry/command is that is related to an unwanted entry so that I can delete it at its source? And what am I doing to create this problem? Thank you.
Cannot delete.mscz


In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you Zack and cadiz. You were at the disadvantage of not being able to see in a completed score that deleting the ottava line this way simultaneously deleted many measures/things I did not want to delete.

Marc, I think you are correct as to the cause of this error as I seem to recall manually inserting an ottava and later moving it around. AND, I just tried your suggestion re selecting and deleting similar elements and it worked!! Thank you!

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

For me, it doesn't even appear at all until I zoom out. The element isn't actually present on the page where it appears to be, so all sorts of things can go wrong when trying to display it. Not that this explains it, but I am not surprised to see rendering glitches on an element that shouldn't be rendered at all.

I am guessing you added an element than dragged it out of position, so far that it ended up on another page (perhaps after a layout change). That is one way to get elements you can't select.

Easiest way to delete them is usually to add another element of the same type, then right click it, Select / All Similar Elements, then delete.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Zack and cadiz. You were at the disadvantage of not being able to see in a completed score that deleting the ottava line this way simultaneously deleted many measures/things I did not want to delete.

Marc, I think you are correct as to the cause of this error as I seem to recall manually inserting an ottava and later moving it around. AND, I just tried your suggestion re selecting and deleting similar elements and it worked!! Thank you!

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