Deleting Measures and Creating Parts from a Score, and Setting Tempo

• Sep 23, 2011 - 01:58

It's my first time using musescore and I'm running into some trouble....

How do you delete entire measure stacks? My piece is 90 measures long but I only want 88 measures. How do you create separate parts for each player from the score? And how do you set a tempo for the piece, as well as change it in the middle?

Also, as I saw someone else recently mention, I am having trouble deleting articulations and slurs. I've tried hitting delete, or command delete, and they don't go away.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...especially if it's timely as this is an assignment that is due in a few days! Thanks :)


Okay, on this website go to Handbook section. You'll find all the answers there.

What comes to deleting articulation or slurs I've had two kind of problems. First is that the object is actually deleted, but it still remains drawn on the screen. Restart will help. You can recognize this case by that you can't select the articulation mark again (doesn't turn blue). On another case, you can see note length etc. buttons on toolbar turn gray and unclickable. Afaik .happens if I click a note or articulation mark etc. twice. So just click on empty part of score and try selecting slur or articulation again.

And also do check that shortcuts are mapped correctly.

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