Missing Flat Symbol (Windows 10 - Musescore 2.0.2)

• Jan 25, 2016 - 23:51

Recently I've update to Windows 10, and MuseScore been behaving weirdly on one aspect.
Font Symbol for 'flat' became a square (on all the menus, not the sheet itself)

Anyone have any clue why that is happening?
Thanks in advance!

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Untitled-1.jpg 210.23 KB


Most likely you have installed on your system an incompatible version of one of the fonts MuseScore depends on - perhaps Bravura, or maybe mscore or mscore1. None of these fonts should be installed on your system; MuseScore needs to use its own internal version.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In that case, it could be an out of date translation if you are using somethng other than the US English version of MuseScore. I kind of recall something about this coming up before but cannot find the reference. Or, if you have set your default system font to something non-standard (eg, anything but whatever Windows 10 uses by default - Georgia?), maybe that is the problem. Maybe someone else knows more?

In reply to by FerNx89

These may stem from the English 'translations', so it might be possible to fix that by locating and deleting intruments_en_US.qm and mscore_en_US.qm. There may be 2 of each, one set in %ProgramFiles(x86)%/MuseScore 2/locale and another in %LOCALAPPDATA%/MuseScore/MuseScore2/locale. Could also be the ...en_GB.qm files.

In reply to by FerNx89

Old topic, I know!
But so you guys know, in case someone this happens with anyone else. I got it fixed!

Just install addtional fonts through:
Windows 10: Settings > System > Apps & Features > Manage Optional Features > Add a Feature

In there I installed every single optional font and stuff!

Got it fixed, now my flat symbol is back! Yeah!

In reply to by FerNx89

@FerNx89: Can you verify with me the steps please:

1) Control Panel
2 Programs
3) Programs and Features
4) Enable or disable Windows features
5) Add a feature
I am here, you too?
Personally, I added, randomly, RIP Listener
At this stage, I don't understand where I can "Just install addtional fonts through" and there I installed every single optional font and stuff ,as you say:

No difference for now here.
Are the steps the same, am I mistaken, or did I forget something?
If that is it, what feature you have added?
Must restart the computer?
Thank you to be very specific about the steps. Possibly with screenshots. The matter is very important. Thank you

In reply to by cadiz1

No good, the first try (I am a newbie under Win10) :(
So, second try/other procedure, and steps:

1) Parameters
2) System
3) Apps and features
I am here: you too?

4) Manage optional features (in red character, on the image above)
5) Add feature:
I am here:

or Here: Additionnal fonts: Arial Nova, Verdana etc.

I click on "Install"
Result: nothing happens. Install doesn't work for now? What I miss?

In reply to by cadiz1

I also couldn't follow these instructions on installing additional features. I am using Windows 7 and I didn't find any option to install additional fonts.

I solved this by going to Style -> Text which opens the "Edit Text Style" window.
In my case every text style had the font "Broadway Copyist Text" selected. This font was lacking all sorts of music symbols. I just changed it to another font that supported music symbols (in my case I was missing a flat symbol).

In reply to by brettvachon

For the record, what you are describing is not related to the original problem being discussed here. The OP specifically said the score itself was fine; it was the GUI that was missing the flat signs. This indicates a problem with one of the official installed fonts - one of MuseScore's internal fonts or one of the standard Windows fonts. That should not normally ever happen, so we were trying to figure out how his system got corrupted.

What you are describing is totally different - you were trying to use a third party proprietary font that is not simply compatible with MuseScore. Unfortunately until recently there was very little standardization for how musical characters should be represented in fonts, so fonts designed for one notation program generally won't work in another. Current standards are finally addressing this, so there are fonts that can work across different programs, but it sounds like the font you were trying to use is not among these.

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