Serious Score Corruption(I Guess)

• Mar 3, 2016 - 02:17

First off, I'm using Musescore 2.0.2, revision f51dc11 on Windows 10.
Now that that's out of the way, what's concerning me is that a full orchestra I was working on just up and corrupted itself mid composition. I wouldn't be as concerned with this as I am if I hadn't been working on the score for roughly 5 days, and had I not be on the 5th to last part(out of 22 parts). Allow me to explain the steps. I was working on the part, adding notes, back tracking and adding extra accents, dynamics, etc. I quite literally only click the left mouse button to select a note. An error message appears. The kind where it tells you something's wrong and tells you to close the application and go get help. I had saved maybe 5 minutes earlier(I save frequently, nearly every section), so I didn't care. One of the windows where it checks for what went wrong that you can cancel out of appeared and I exited out. Musescore closed. I reopen it, and attempt to open the file I was working on. Another error message appears and reads,"Cannot read file..." I close and reopen Musescore and the file. Same error message. Other scores open with no problems. Just the one I've allotted the most time into. I fear for the worst. I think I found the backup; however, the same error message displays when I try to open that as well. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you in advanced.

Attachment Size
Legend of Zelda Medley.mscz 175.49 KB
scSN8644.mscz 174.18 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I just checked my scores folder, my downloads folder(there was one for another score there oddly enough), and even the musescore2 folder in appdata. I also have my configurations set to show hidden files, so unless I'm looking in the wrong spot, I don't think I have that.

In reply to by HitmonIee

If you created the file and did all your editing in the same session - that is, you never at any time closed the file then reopened it - there would be no backup., But if you ever closed and reopened the file and worked on it more, the backup would have been created - in the same folder - when you first saved it in that new session. But it will be that old - it will record the state of the file as it was when you last opened it.

If you did all your work in one session, then indeed, that indeed file won't be there at all. With both your main score and the session / auto save file corrupted, I can of fear a disk failure - I can't think of anything else that would explain the systems as you've given them.

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