Trying To Delete A Rest (Symbol) - Repost

• Feb 5, 2015 - 20:42

I am the original poster of a previous thread with the Same Subject, and it seems that some of the responses are not on the same page as I am. Maybe I didn't state the problem properly, and since there have been a number of replies to my original post, I decided to re-post, with some more information. Below is the original post.

"Example - I have an 1/8 rest in the middle of the measure, that is not supposed to be there. I put my last eighth note in that measure, and the software pushes it over, making it the first note of the next measure, because I cannot delete the rest symbol. There must be a way to delete a rest symbol."

Now I CAN CUT the 1/8 note (the first note in the following measure), but THERE IS NO WAY TO PUT MY CURSOR BETWEEN THE LAST NOTE OF THE PREVIOUS MEASURE AND THE END OF THAT MEASURE TO PASTE IN THAT 1/8 NOTE, to force the 1/8 rest out of that measure. I have tried it 10 different ways, and it cannot be done.

I WAS able to fix the measure, but you HAVE TO DELETE ALL OF THE NOTES TO THE RIGHT OF THE REST SYMBOL FIRST, and the software fills in those deleted notes with the corresponding rests, THEN YOU PUT YOUR CURSOR "ON" THE REST THAT YOU WANT DELETED, AND RETYPE THE NOTES THAT YOU JUST DELETED. This, in essence "forces" the rest symbol to the right, and off the measure.

It seems there should be a way to work on a measure, without the software adding rests, as you type. Meaning, it "Locks Out" the software from editing that measure, until you are completely done with it. When you are finished, you tell the software, "I am finished, and now you can Check it." The problem seems to arise when you are adding notes, and you are not fully aware of where your cursor is.

Thank you.


As I mentioned in my response your original thread, it possible your score has become corrupted and that is why you are having trouble with this one particular passage. It's also possible you are simply misunderstanding what is going on. It's impossible to say without seeing the actual score (again, the MSCZ, not just a picture of it). We can't help without more information. All I can do is assure that if in fact your score is not corrupt, then there is a simple way to do whatever it is you are trying to do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have the same problem and I can give you a short example:
you play with keyboard the G Major scale, but instead of the C sharp you play the C. You instantly recognize your mistake and play the C sharp after the C, thinking you will take the C out later..
So, In the resulting score you just want to delete the C. Then you would like to move the Csharp in it's place and all the notes that follow. If that was possible without ALWAYS getting a rest put in to harmonize the bar count, or the option to remove that unwanted rest - THAT would be INTUITIVE software. Noone please tell me that this isn't do-able! I have proof: Notion software from Presonus allows you to do that...So it must be possible, that the software developers implement same option into musescore. Another program, Crescendo from NCH, has also the option to tidy up the notes after such a manipulation. Therefore I don't like reasons like "it doesn't make musical sense" etc. That reasoning is just a cover up for awkwardd software behaviour. Cheers.

In reply to by Lori Ilona

Instead of trying delete the C, hoping that MuseScore will somehow guess what other notes you want to be moved to the left, simply move those notes yourself. That is, don't start by deleting the C; start by selecting the C# plus whatever other notes also need to be moed (MuseScore cannot possible know which notes were correct and which were not). Then press Ctrl+X to cut them, then click the C, then click Ctrl+V to paste. The notes you want to be moved will be moved.

There is indeed software that will attempt to guess how many notes you want to move when deleting a note, but I guarantee it can never know the answer, meaning it will guess wrong a lot of the time. Someday MuseScore might add such a "guess how many notes to move" feature, but it too would necessarily guess wrong a lot of the time. So moving the ntoes yourself is always a better option.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Now, have tried that, yes it works. So thanks. Fortunately I had only a dozen bars to select after that misplaced suggestion would be: commands via rightclick or from menu "select to end of voice ", "select (number) of bar(s)". Life with Musescore would be so much easier.

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