Will MuseScore 3.0 definitely not be able to open pre-2.0 scores?

• Apr 30, 2016 - 17:45

If this is the case, a lot of code catering for mscVersion() less than 200 can get removed and/or simplified.

Anyway, at https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/2576 you'd find a PR doing this ;-)


It's up to us as a (developer) community to decide... if nobody takes the challenge then, yes 3.0 will not be able to open/import 1.X files. Of course, it's easier to delete the whole stuff, than take the challenge :) Are you sure you don't want to try it before deleting it ?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Is it really a wise decision to remove support for 1.x files and lower? It seems like conversion works fairly well.

I probably still have some pre 1.0 files around that I've forgotten about and already 2.0 won't open those, correct? I have many more 1.x files that would require keeping old MS versions around. Someday those old versions of MS might not work on newer Windows.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

From a user point of view, I find normal to be forced to use an intermediary version (will be 2 here) to convert old files (1.3) before begin able to use them with the current version (3.0).
Especially if:
-it is announced and explained in advance
-the necessary version to use (2.0) stays easily available
-it enables the developpers of the new version to concentrate on new features and enhancements without being forced to maintain old code

You might want to export them all as pdfs, then convert using pdf converter when Musescore 3.0.0 comes out, that's worth a try.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

So why don't people concerned about this open the 1.xx files in MS2 and save them?

If you have too old a computer for MS2 your more important challenge will be to have a machine that can handle MS3 by the time it rolls around. And that machine in turn will be able to handle MS2. Etc.

As a non-developer, all I can offer is a suggestion from the user point of view. Long-term users will probably know that 2.0 can open 1.x files; so if 3 can open 2, then 2 can be used as a converter. Thus the need to retain the ability to open 1.x files with 3 is small to non-existant.

However: Newer users may very well not know any of the above history, so it might be quite useful for MuseScore 3 to show a pop-up warning upon any attempt to open a pre-2.0 file, with wording something like this:

MuseScore 3 cannot open this file, however it is possible that MuseScore 2 can, and once it has been saved as a MuseScore 2 file, MuseScore 3 will open it. You can download MuseScore 2 at [insert link].

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Yes, something along those lines. But if I understood the comments earlier in this thread correctly, 2.0 will open anything prior, so why not specify 2.0 as the 'conversion app'?

Also, it would be very convenient if there was a live link to the proper download page in that popup. I presume that can be done without jumping through too many hoops?

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

And 3.0 does the equivalent currently. That's why I started this topic about deleting the now apparently unnecessary code. Adding a link to the section of the download page might indeed be a good and easy Addition.

Like this:

The last line of that messages is the addition. the rest shows currently already.

Attachment Size
error.png 15.94 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, it's good to see you guys are ahead of me. ;o) And I'm glad the suggestion of adding a download link was helpful.

I guess what made me think of that is that I have spent 'way too much time recently battling with Microsoft in an attempt to maintain our old 'Dragon' in a functional state so we can continue to use a number of legacy versions of software that run on XP. Microsoft has dumped XP off the cliff, of course, but worse than that, their servers won't even answer a call from IE8 (the latest IE version that XP can run, apparently). But instead of informing me that my browser version was 'not supported', Microsoft spews out the standard error 404 text which tells me to check my connectivity, spelling of the URL, or try again later.... >Grrr<

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