When to post a feature request in a forum topic vs. in the issue tracker?

• May 23, 2016 - 03:59

The line between a forum topic and issue tracker for a bug seems to be pretty clear: if you have a consistent set-up that triggers the bug, it's a bug report to the issue tracker; if you simply have bad behaviour that's not yet consistent, it goes to this forum.

However, I am curious if there's a similar demarcation between the forum and issue tracker for feature requests.


Interesting question. I'm not sure if there is one, but just in order to make sure that the feature isn't already present, the feature request forum should be the first place to go. Of course, if it's something like "add this template," there's no chance that it was already there and you missed it, so going straight to the tracker is fine—or if you have a high degree of confidence that you have an exhaustive knowledge of MuseScore.

In reply to by duck57

The forum has a wider audience than the issue tracker, so I feel it's better to post a feature request to the forum first in order to gather some feedback on the feature request. A issue in the issue tracker will probably just sit there for a long time, and pollute the tracker if it doesn't have any strong supporters, in particular a developer.

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