Crescendo Screencast

Posted 8 years ago

Hello everyone,
I did a little screencast explaining things about single note crescendo. Have fun watching!

Crescendo MuseScore

EDIT: Something went wrong with the first upload (it was missing some seconds at the end) I did a reupload and change URL above!


Nice job! Having the change-volume-during-notes option on the hairpin is a good idea. Perhaps the options should be "on", "off" or "auto" rather than just "on" or "off". Auto would mean use the setting from instruments.xml. That would allow people to just right-click on one hairpin and go to "Select all similar", so you can probably get away without an override for the whole score.

I still think that fixing the velocity and only adjusting volume via the expression control is the easiest way to go, but however you choose to do it my main requirement for dynamics would be:

Volume change *within* notes == volume change *between* notes.

In reply to by shoogle

If the instrument doesn't use the expression controller the hairpin setting is irrelevant. But maybe there could be a third dynamic settings "expressionWithoutSingleNote" or something similar for electric instruments like e-guitar that are able to do single note crescendo (and should use expression because of that) but don't do it normally. So I'll guess I'll have a look at that.

The volume change within notes should definitely the same as between notes. I think fixed velocity is definitely the easiest solution - but I want to keep the possibility having different velocity to maintain velocity switching intact (selecting different samples for different velocities). It is probably the default to just use a fixed velocity - but having an option is always nice (as long as it doesn't mess up the code and clutters the user interface).

In reply to by hpfmn

> "If the instrument doesn't use the expression controller the hairpin setting is irrelevant."

Are there some instruments that really cannot use the expression controller, or do you just mean the instruments that you disabled it for because it wouldn't be inappropriate? i.e. do MIDI pianos always ignore expression control, or have you just set them to ignore it in MuseScore?

I know that you can't adjust the volume of a real piano mid-note, but if MIDI pianos work with expression control then I don't see why users shouldn't be able to override it to force it to happen.

In reply to by shoogle

There is no technical problem in enabling this feature for all instruments.

It is more what are good defaults. But I guess that is also something that is to be decided by the users themselves and I can only make assumptions what would be good.

As far as midi piano go - I think it depends on the piano.

Hi dear developer specialists,
I posted a comment to your facebook page, and I'm suggested to leave a comment here.
Original comment on facebook is here:…

I'm very interested in this topic, and I'd like to make a request related on this. In bowed strings, it is very usual that a pair of crescendo and a decrescendo is placed under one single note like the image attached. Will I be able to notate this easier than current MuseScore with the coming new version?
And as shown in the video, If I want to reflect the velocity displacement to the playback, should I edit the xml source directly?
Is the xml editor included in MuseScore?
Thanks in advance.

In reply to by Jitsu

What you see in the video is a development version of MuseScore. So you can't have the playback right now. MuseScore doesn't have a XML editor and it will not be required to edit XML once the implementation is finished.

In reply to by Jitsu

I don't know what @hpfmn's plans are, but I don't think the double hairpin has been ruled out. However, it does raise a question of how it would be implemented. I suppose you could add the hairpins to invisible notes to voice 2, or maybe I special "double hairpin" symbol is required.

In reply to by shoogle

With invisible notes this already works. I also don't think that it is much of a problem of playback but more a problem of where there should be an anchor. I think I kind of like the idea of "double hairpins" but then on the other hand side you probably also want to put a dynamic expression in the middle (like p or f) so this also to be considered.

In reply to by shoogle

Your all technical thoughts would be appreciated.
If I could easily put a double hairpin and it could make a dynamics effect, that'll be super perfect!!!
But I'll be so happy even if the dynamics feature is omitted.
What I want to tell you is that double hairpin is so usual in writing bowed strings sheetmusic.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the coming new version of MuseScore!

Thanks for your information, hpfmn!
Please excuse me that I took time to read your email telling this video was uploaded.
It sounds great! Pursuing this, playback can be performed as I notate.
And I'll be much happier to get this result with less steps.
Again, thanks for your continuous improvements.
I'm looking forward to having the new features with coming next version of MuseScore!