Difficulty adding all desired notes as a second voice

• Jul 24, 2016 - 03:43

Please see attached two documents. The first is what I am trying to accomplish, the second is my unsuccessful attempt at doing so. Thank you for your guidance.

Attachment Size
VOICES.jpg 166.59 KB
Voices.mscz 6.48 KB


It's not completely clear from the original what beat those sixteenths are on. There should really be rests somewhere to clarify that. My best guess is the bass clef sixteenths are meant to be on beat (and I think the "2" is trying to indicate that), but then should be a quarter rest on beat one to make that clear maybe that's what the squiggle above is meant to indicate, but it isn't places in a way that makes its time position clea r- it shou,d be aligned vertically with the whole notes that are also on beat one. Then the sixteenths in the treble clef start on beat 3. but it looks like you have tried to do something very different. You placed a quarter rest on beat *two* in the bass clef, and you have *nothing* on beat 1. I guess you probably originally entered a quarter rest on beat one then deleted it. And as for your specific question about adding a half rest in the top staff, your arrow is pointing to beat 3, so you can ceretainly add a half rest there. Just click the existing quarter rest there and press 6; it will turn into a half rest (and thus "eat" the sixteenths currently on beat 4).

Assuming my original guess about the intent is correct, your current version is far enough off that it is probably easier to start over. Here is how I would do it:

- enter the whole notes in voice 1 for both staves
- enter the sixteenths in voice 2, top staff (with initial quarter rest)
- use cross staff notation to move the initial quarter rest and the first set of sixteenths to the bottom staff
- manually adjust position of quarter rest to sit above the whole notes in the bottom staff

I've attached my version.

Attachment Size
Voices_1.mscz 8.77 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That is exactly what I was trying to accomplish, Marc!

Yes, that squiggle was meant to indicate a quarter rest, and the first 16th notes were meant to be beat 2; the second 16th notes beat 3; and the 3rd 16th notes beat 4.

I have had the previous experience of when I input my first note of a second voice (green note), it places it on top of the my first voice #1 (blue) note, thus you correctly saw that I deleted the superimposed quarter note as well as tried to move if off the first voice 1 note.

I will have to read up on what a *cross staff notation* is (your step #3) as this may address why my first note, (usually rests) in a second voice, gets placed on my first voice #1 note(s).

Once again you have been of significant assistance to me.

Grazie, Marc.

In reply to by Megan R

You're welcome! Cross staff notation is covered in the Handbook. It's very useful for things like that sixteenth run, as it allows it to be entered as a single voice on a single staff, and then have the notes distributed to different staves as needed.

All voices are entered left to right, and sure, if you try to enter notes on the same beat, they may well overlap. Since your run doesn't start until beat 2, you would simply enter the rest, and don't delete it, since as mentioned it needs to be there to make the timing clear. But moving it *vertically* to clear other notes on that same beat is fair game and sometimes necessary.

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