Used "Voices" to add the notes i need... but need help hiding stuff...

• Oct 29, 2016 - 01:05

I got some help from this thread: that at allowed me to add the notes i needed. But it's UGLY.

4 measures.JPG

In the highlighted measure, id like to do 2 things:
- hide all the rests. I tried using the visible property but it didn't seem to work. It would make the note greyed out but not the rests themselves.
- tie the two low F notes together. When i click on tie it adds a new note.


As long as i am here... in meaqsure 3... the eighth rest associated with the first middle "C"... i'd like to change it to, for lack of a better term... a ghost note. In the score i am's denoted by and eighth not "c" with parens. My understanding it's supposed to be fingered but not played (adds some harmonics) in preparation for the C that you see. Any way to note that in this??

Thanks for any help!



Just click on all of the elements you want to make invisible and press "v". You have to explicitly click on the rest that you want to make invisible for this to work.

In reply to by LuuBluum

Thanks... that's what i tried. The part that is not making sense is your comment about EXPLICITLY clicking on the rest. What i tried is to used the cursor keys to move the highlight voice box over the rest and i assume then that the note is "selected". but clicking visible will sometimes affect an entirely different note. If i click on the note itself, it adds another note.

the one thing i found by accident, is when i have a note highlighted, if i am able to move it up or down with the cursors, then i have truely selected it and the visible check box will have the correct result.

I guess my issue is that i am not sure how to explicitly select a note for editing...?
This thing is not completely intuitive... or i am just a bone head! :-)

Note that the rests will remain visible to you on your computer screen, although greyed-out, unless you uncheck the option View>Show Invisible in the main menu. However, when you export the score to PDF to print it, anything greyed-out will NOT print, no matter if you've unchecked that option or not.

IOW, this:
invisible 1.png

will print as this:
invisible 2.png

To put parentheses around a note, open the palettes menu by typing F9, and click on Accidentals to expand that palette. Then click the note you want surrounded by parentheses, and double-click on the parentheses shown in that palette. The parentheses will appear around the note selected.

In reply to by Recorder485

exactly my goal. I think i am having issues knowing when have i really selected a note/rest for edit vs just highlighting. I managed to get two rests to grey out, but it was by accident and i can't seem to repeat the action.

here's a new symptom...
if i am in voice 2... and unselect the note add button (top left) i can scrollthrough the score and the notes/rests in that voice will turn green. if i then click on voice 1, i owuld expect i could scroll through and the voice 1 notes would turn blue. But NoOOooO! when i then hit the cursor to go it just shifts the voice button back to #2 and the green voice notes are hightlighted.

OK, maybe i figured it out. Switching to a new voice doesn't really do anything. I have to select the voice and (redundantly) verify that i wanted to change to the selected voice by then correctly clkicking on a note in that voice. Arrrrgh!

Wait! there's more! i now note (ha!) that i can change the voice by clicking on an existing voice note, and the correcponding voice button on top gets selected. So the voice button is useless?

Hmmm... the only reason for the voice button then would be to change to a voice when nothing yet exists for that voice...?? *Sheesh* THAT was an excercise!!

my brain hurts.

Thanks for the replies.

so the last thing (for now) is i'd like to break the tie noted below and establish the ties in green..??
4 measures.JPG

Thank you two for all your help!!

In reply to by Shoichi

Ugh... sounds easy but...
so here's where i am at... i was able to "Select" the beam... maybe select is the wrong word cause i can't seem to do anything with it.
In just about any other graphical editor, when i have the object selected with those little square handles i should be able to just click delete and poof it should be gone. But musicians have to be different i guess...

i tried grabbing the start beam icon and dragging it to the second note... nuthin.
I tried delete: nuthin.
I tried grabbing the end of the beam and dragging it to the next note... nuthin.

All i can do is make the beam slide up and down on either end.

My ADD is starting to say "fudge" it. *sigh*
It's now a race to see if i can figure this out before the chicken scratch that this was written in starts to make enough sense that i won't bother.

In addition i watched this video: How to place a beam between notes...
guess what? it didn't show how to place a beam between notes. It's NOT me so much! What it showed was how to move and EXISTING beam. I got that down already. I want to MOVE or CREATE a beam or delete one... Grrrr. If you're walking by my house... duck! this laptop may be flying out the window soon...!

In reply to by PoppaRex

A few points of confusion here that maybe I can help with:

First, there is a difference between *selecting* something and *editing* it. Selecting is a single click. The element will be highlighted, but no handles will appear. it is in that state you can delete it, if it is something that makes sense to delete. Editing is double click; that's when handles appear. In edit mode, you can alter various aspects of an element, but you generally can't delete it. This is not especially different from other programs. So, to delete something, *single* click to select, then hit Delete.

Again, though, that assumes the element is deletable. Beams generally aren't because they are not separate elements - they are part of a note. Not sure why you'd even want to delete the beam; there is not a reason there. If the goal is to make delete the first eighth note, simply do that directly - no need to mess with the beam. It will respond automatically. Once the eighth note is gone, the beam automatically disappears because it is no longer needed. Similarly, beams appear automatically when needed. You almost never need to do anything whatsoever with beams unless you are deliberately creating experimental/nonstandard notation. As mentioned elsewhere, i think your problem is that you mistakenly entered a quarter note where you meant to enter an eighth note. You don't fix that mistake by adding a beam - you fix that by changing the quarter note to an eighth directly (eg, click the quarter, press the eighth note icon on the toolbar).

Another possible point of confusion: clicking to select something (whether a rest or something else) only works if you are *not* in note input mode. Otherwise, clicking enters a note. So if you are are trying to select something by clicking, hit Esc to leave note input mode first. Moving the selection cursor with the left/right arrow keys does work in note input mode,. though. Earlier it seems you were saying you were having some problem with that, but most likely it was just some confusion on your part as to what is going on because so much of this is new to you. but this much really does work as you expect. If you still have trouble, feel free to post the score and describe more precisely what you are doing.

In reply to by PoppaRex

To use the beaming tool, single-click on the note to select it, then double-click on the appropriate icon in the palette, to apply it to that note. (Naturally, this only works on notes which require beams or flags.)

The start-beam icon will start a new beam on the note you apply it to. The beam-middle icon will continue a beam from the previous note to the next one. The flag icon will unbeam the note selected and flag it instead. (Somewhat less than intuitively, if you change your mind and decide to re-beam a note that you had previously flagged, use the 'beam middle' icon to connect that note to the preceeding group, even if that flagged note will now become the last note in the group. There is no 'end-beam' icon or command.)

Note that there is no 'create beam' command, either. The program automatically creates beams in groups defined by default settings in the time-signature properties dialogue; you can override this manually as described above, but you cannot force the program to put a beam between notes which don't require one.

It appears that you want to change two quarter notes to two eighth notes. You can't do that by adding a beam, as you would on a handwritten MS. You have to select the notes and then change their duration. Understand that if you change a quarter to an eighth, the program will automatically add an eighth rest after the changed note. Total measure duration is always preserved. You cannot delete rests; you can only overwrite them with notes.

Sometimes the simplest solution is to just delete the entire contents of the measure and write it over again from scratch.

In reply to by Recorder485

Thanks for your patience...
When i changed the eighth rest to the note with the parens, i must have selected a quarenote as both "c"s changed to quarters. I now have this:


Regarding your comment that the app won't let me add something that's not allowed... is there some other object that... wait... I went back and tried the TIE and this time it worked.

so now i have this:

And i think that's what i need/want?!

Ok... i think i go back and do the 6 remaining pages *sigh* and tackle fingering/strings and positions later.

Thank you sooo much for your help.!!


In reply to by PoppaRex

The voice button is just like the duration buttons - the purpose is to control the *next* note you are about to enter. Far from useless, it's the necessary step in selecting the voice of the music you are about to enter. Or, if you are *not* in note input mode, these buttons can be used to change the currently selected note if there is one. That is, to move it from voice one to two (if that is currently possible).

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