Multibar rests - cutting them up
Hi all,
How do I show a total of 29 bars as multi-bar rests as 8-4-9-2-6.
I used to insert an empty (and hidden) rehearsal mark box, but that doesn't appear to work anymore.
Hi all,
How do I show a total of 29 bars as multi-bar rests as 8-4-9-2-6.
I used to insert an empty (and hidden) rehearsal mark box, but that doesn't appear to work anymore.
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First toggle off the display of multimeasure rests. Then in the measure where you want the split, right click and in the measure properties tick "Break multimeasure rest".
But note that multimeasure rests are automatically broken at "significant" points including double bar lines, rehearsal marks. time signature and key signature changes.
You can add a text box with a single letter in white.
In reply to You can add a text box with… by TheHutch
Thanks for your replies. I found it soon after I posted this message. Highlight the bar, right-click your mouse then select bar properties and select "Break Multibar Rest"
In reply to Thanks for your replies. I… by shakey1961
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