Tempo Tool not changing the Playback Temp

• Jan 4, 2017 - 03:47

For some reason, the playback speed in the Play Panel does not match the Tempo marker I created at the beginning of the score. The Inspector shows the correct value, but it's not updating the "Actual Tempo" field in the Play Panel. I've attached a screenshot of my workstation.

For some more context, it will sometimes update the playback speed, but it will be the value that I tried the time before. For example, say it was 80 bpm. When I typed in 110 bpm, it stayed at 80bpm, but when I entered 120 bpm, the playback speed changed to 110 bpm.

This didn't seem to be an issue previously, just something I've run into today.

Thanks for your help.

Attachment Size
tempoissue.png 179.52 KB


It's always better to attach the actual score, not just a picture, and give precise steps to reproduce the problem. As it is, we can only guess.

Note the Play Panel is *not* intended for setting the actual tempo of a piece - and indeed, the tempo might well change over the course of the piece. The Play OPanel is just for temporary *overrides* to the actual tempo, scaling it faster or slower throughout. That's why it gives the main value as a percetange. The BPM value shown above may or may not make sense since there may be multiple tempos in the piece.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your prompt reply! Ah, good to know; I'll do that in the future.

Hmm, okay, that makes sense. Since the two had seemed to typically correspond, I assumed the Play Panel was the official time as it would come out in a .midi or .mp3 file. I guess all is well, then. Thanks again.

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