2/4 to 6/8 easy and immediate conversion

• Dec 31, 2016 - 00:07

Hi, this is my first post here. Before I created an account, I listened to several songs from various users here and created songs of my own as well.

Now, here is a feature that I would really like to get implemented (Sorry if the grammar is incorrect, English isn't my first language). While creating this song, I used 2/4 at first and I used a lot of triplets, so I dragged the 6/8 time signature. However, it looked messy, then I duplicated the score, changed the time signature to 6/8 and had to redo the score all over again. I had to go back and forth between the 2/4 and 6/8 versions.

Doing over 2 hours of work just to change the time signature properly ISN'T a funny thing, so there should be a quick way to simply change 2/4 to 6/8 properly.

Look at this picture from Wikipedia: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:12-8_equals_4-4_drum_pattern.png (in that case, 4/4 to 12/8 and in my case is 2/4 to 6/8 but nevertheless the same.)

For the scores, the 2/4 version was created first a few months ago, then got neglected for a while, then I created the 6/8 version just yesterday and completed it this morning.

The 2/4 version is INCOMPLETE, now it is just for comparison and will be removed from my device. I don't want to be bothered inserting lots of triplets and everything for the 2/4 version.

And a few things before looking at the scores:
1. Do NOT change the key signature. I know it's actually 7 sharps/5 flats, but it's simpler this way.
2. There might be incorrect use of longer note values instead of using shorter note values with ties, you may change them if you have time. My practical grade/level is intermediate, nearing the first high level but my theory grade/level is quite low. During one intermediate grade practical exam, I was asked a simple theoretical question and I was very confused, but my exam grade is still quite high because I can play repertoire quite well. You will believe that my story is true once you look at my scores.


Yes, this is a request we get from time time. In principle it is easy, in practice much more difficult. So far no one has risen to the challenge, but hopefully some day.

Hi, actually, the songs are created by a friend, and that person just found it here and wants them removed. However, I may use these versions which are trimmed.

Wait, what did I say? NO! That was a joke, of course it was me who created them, however, I just want the above scores replaced with these ones, because they don't have any copyright or anything for identification. I don't want people to steal them and use them inappropriately, however, anyone may do anything they like with the trimmed versions.

Oh, and thank you for your reply. Can you remove the above 2 scores, please?

Here are the trimmed versions: (They are trimmed in different bars so both versions sound a little bit different. Note that in 2/4 a part is empty, because it was made first, but finished on 6/8.)

Attachment Size
2:4.mscz 13.65 KB
6:8.mscz 14.65 KB

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

Raymond, thanks for the feedback!
A few things:
- Staccato affects how the note is played, because I usually focus on what the playback sounds like. But if you like it without them, that's fine as well.
- At the bar where it says "Tuplets of 2", the notes are modified, making them sound really weird.

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