Connectin with Software from Midi piano keyboard

• Jan 17, 2017 - 19:58

I downloaded the software, and tried to enter notes on my midi-equipped digital piano. After watching the tutorials, etc., I still can't get the software to recognize my piano, even though I had just tried another notation software on a trial basis, and it worked fine. By the way, I am a total novice at this.


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for replying. I did read the handbook, and found that instruction, but have tried it several times that way, without success. There must be something else that I am not seeing. The interesting thing is that it worked right away, both recording and playback, on two other (not free) notation software sites.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc, and thanks for your advice. I now realize that I had to press the "N" to start entering the notes. When I did, and started to play on the keyboard, the notes appeared ok, but sometimes "bunched up." I guess I can learn that ok.

As I said at first, I am just learning this whole business. My next challenge is that I want to be able to play back on the keyboard, as I did with Noteworthy, for example. (My trial period with them has ended.) I was able to play back on the computer, but not the keyboard, and it was exactly according to the notes as they were entered, and not as a recording of what I played.

Can it be done?

My next question regards separating the treble clef from the bass clef. Can that be done with the piano?

Thanks again everyone!

In reply to by Barry1944

I'm not totally sure what you are asking but will answer as best I can.

1) my guess is you are overlapping some of your notes. You need to fully release each note before entering the next. Otherwise they are taken to be a chord.

2) are you saying you wish to hear the playback using the sounds on your keyboard instead of using MuseScore's sounds? If so, I'm afraid MuseScore doesn't support MIDI out, which is what you would need to do that. But theRe shouldn't be any advantage in that anyhow - MuseScoee's built in sounds should be about as good as most keyboards. I don't understand what you mean about ater recording of what you played. MuseScore doesn't have any concept of recording what you play. It is a notation program, not a sequencer.

3) not sure, but it sounds like you are trying enter all notes onto one staff first then sort it out later. Don't do that :-). Enter the notes onto their correct staves in the first place. If you intend to enter music onto two staves for piano, be sure you create a score for piano so it has two staves.

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