Editing a school file

• Apr 4, 2017 - 19:05

I am trying to edit a school file and add notes but it won't let me add-on. What do I need to do to add notes? Thank you!
-ZM Assignment1_1 (1).mscz Exercise1_1_2.mscz


It appears the teacher made it where the assignment cannot be properly done in MuseScore. The measures that are not a full 4/4 measure have had their actual duration changed, and you cannot add notes (or rests) without changing the actual measure duration.

I'm wondering if these exercises were made in another program and imported to MuseScore, because MuseScore does not identify anything as a "Simple Entry tool" or "Simple Entry Rests palette." This terminology is foreign to MuseScore.

In reply to by mike320

Oh geez, I see what you mean. The original score was created in a way that some measures simply do not have four beats in them. Probably it was done in Finale (which does have a "Simple Entry" tool) and then exported to MusicXML and imported into MuseScore. Probably Finale would have automatically added extra beats at needed when using that tool, but MuseScore does not - you'd need to first repair the incorrect measures by right clicking them and going to Measure Properties then setting their "Actual duration" back to 4/4.

Basically, it looks like this was intended to be a tutorial on how to use Finale, and trying to follow those same instructions in MuseScore won't work. You'd need a different tutorial to learn MsueScore - preferably one that wasn't deliberately corrupted with measures of incorrect length. Try the "Getting Started" started score that appears in the Start Center when you first install the program, for example.

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