Invisible rests bug

• Nov 22, 2012 - 21:51


1. New Score
2. Write a few notes.
3. Select a rest, select similar elements.
4. Set Invisible
5. Replace a few rests with notes.
6. Delete one of them (leaving a rest).
7. 7 Select that rest, select similar elements, set invisible.

The rests now alternate on and off separately from each other.

See attachment.


In reply to by xavierjazz

I had a score with multiple rests that I had put in at various times. I had set some of them to invisible, but when I tried to make them all invisible, the ones I had set to invisible before toggled to visible. I had to go through the score and do each one individually.


What MuseScore version and operating system are you using?

You'll probably know that no work is being done towards 1.2, but if it's 2.0, it's better to post in the Technology Preview section, or the Issue Tracker.

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