Three great features for future versions of Muse Score

• Jul 14, 2017 - 06:40

Hello. I like Muse Score and have been using it to edit some tunes for my piano practice. I have been using music editing apps for couples of decades, and I would like to suggest two features for the future version of Muse Score. I think it will greatly improve how musicians can practice with the app.

1. Tempo variation training like Guitar Pro 6. It is a great tool to practice lines, melodies, and tunes, by setting a range of tempo and allow it to increase the tempo gradually with a preset of rate, for example, increase 2% of the tempo for any mark up looping notes. And there are also some apps allow the tempo to decrease (backward) after it reach its peak. This can help the muscle cool down after an intense training.

2. Be able to import music from different apps' XML. Right now, I don't seem to be able to import some of my GP6 XML without revising any errors in them. One solution is to save the GP6 to midi file and then import it to Muse Score, however, there is still a lot of works to do if the score is edited in two or three parts. Hope in the future, musician can import music with multiple parts without re-editing.

3. To be able to play separate parts of voicing with one switch. This would help people who would like to hear individual voicing and practicing them before combining them together. For example, for some of Bach's music, and some hymns, are composed both harmonically and a counter point manner. It will be great to hear individual lines/parts before playing them all together. Jazz pianist could also benefit it from listening to the comping part of a piece of solo and learn how to comping for another instrument in group playing. Now, I got to copy and paste each parts to another file for a practice. Hope in the future, there is a single switch that can allow musicians to play and listen to one part of the voicing.

Best wishes.


2. should work, it not please report individually and provide sample files. MuseScore can also Import GP6 files directly
3. will be possible in the next major version, by separating parts out of voices, it was part of last year's GSoC

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I attached two sample files of part of Bach's Goldberg variation 9. One GP6 and one MusicXML created by GP6. It was typed in two parts in GP6 with annotations of chords and notes, and exported as MusicXML.

It will be great if MuseScore can import GP6 directly. Please let me know how if it does. Thanks.

Good to hear that news. Looking forward to the next major version.

Attachment Size
Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.gpx 25.07 KB
Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.xml 187.48 KB

In reply to by Javis English

Interesting, MuseScore 2.1 crashes when trying to load the GPX file.

On loading the XML it 1st complains about

Fatal error: line 80 column 18 Element octave is not defined in this scope.

Seems GP6 has a flaw in ist XML Export. The offending line is


NaN, Not a Number...
Once that is ignored, MuseScore complains about

Measure 16 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4097/4096; Found: 96/96
Measure v16 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 4097/4096; Found: 1/1
Measure 16 Staff 3 incomplete. Expected: 4097/4096; Found: 1/1

Once that is ignored too, it loads, but has the piano staves with swapped clefs, bass clef in top staff, treble cleff in bottom staff and also the drumset is imported quite badly
Not having encoded the octave correctly is likely the culprit here?

Trying to load the GPX in the lasted development build Shows

Debug: Unknown instrument: "a-piano-gs" (...\MuseScore\mscore\importgtp-gp6.cpp:425, void Ms::GuitarPro6::readTracks(QDomNode*))
Debug: GuitarPro6:findNumMeasures: bars 8 < numMeasures 12
(...\MuseScore\mscore\importgtp-gp6.cpp:545, int Ms::GuitarPro6::findNumMeasures(Ms::GuitarPro6::GPPartInfo*))

and crashes after that with stack trace

1 Ms::Element::setParent element.h 179 0xd5cc17
2 Ms::Segment::add segment.cpp 438 0x86310f
3 Ms::GuitarPro6::readBeats importgtp-gp6.cpp 1243 0x5776f1
4 Ms::GuitarPro6::readBars importgtp-gp6.cpp 1457 0x57b2cf
5 Ms::GuitarPro6::readMasterBars importgtp-gp6.cpp 1759 0x57e4f1
6 Ms::GuitarPro6::readGpif importgtp-gp6.cpp 1822 0x57f031
7 Ms::GuitarPro6::parseFile importgtp-gp6.cpp 248 0x56da1a
8 Ms::GuitarPro6::readGPX importgtp-gp6.cpp 232 0x56d95b
9 Ms::GuitarPro6::readGPX importgtp-gp6.cpp 204 0x56d6fe
10 Ms::GuitarPro6::read importgtp-gp6.cpp 1841 0x57f2eb
11 Ms::importGTP importgtp.cpp 2261 0x563948
12 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2166 0x5b474f
13 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 329 0x5a4700
14 Ms::MuseScore::openScore file.cpp 310 0x5a45da
15 Ms::MuseScore::loadFiles file.cpp 291 0x5a42bb
16 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 4766 0x49d9a0
17 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 4620 0x49d02d
18 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 740 0x6b21ef
19 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68c03046
20 ZN12QActionGroup7hoveredEP7QAction 0x21fc4d65

apparently on trying to add a fretboard diagram

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am not a developer. Some of these terms are too technical for me such as "component" in the "". But, anyway I submit what we found with "none" in the project-issue with the following message:

Confirmed crashes when opening a GP6 file.
Under Windows 7 both versions of 2.0.3 and 2.1.
Some error codes

as discussed in the following URL:

Could you be so kind to report this issue too if there are further discoveries? Hope this problem can be solved.

Many thanks.

In reply to by Javis English

couldn't do that with "none" so submitted with "translation" for specifying the component:

Posted by Javis English on July 14, 2017 - 8:40am

Project: MuseScore
Version: 2.1
Component: Translation
Category: bug report
Priority: normal
Assigned: Unassigned
Status: active


Confirmed crashes when opening a GP6 file.
Under Windows 7 both versions of 2.0.3 and 2.1.

as discussed in the following URL:

Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.gpx 25.07 KB
Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.xml 187.48 KB

1. This has been discussed in the forum. There is no consensus that this feature is a good thing to add to MuseScore. As a drummer, I think it's a very bad idea to practice like this. It's better to practice slow at a given tempo, master it, then stop, increase the tempo by 10% until you master it etc... Increasing the tempo by 2% at every repeat will just teach the user how to speed up by 2% and that will become a nightmare when playing together with other musicians.

2. When you talk about XML, you mean MusicXML files? You know that MuseScore can open GP6 files directly right? If you talk about MusicXML files, then please attach a couple and we will see what we can do. Some applications do not export a lot of information in MusicXML and so MuseScore cannot really do better.
If you talk about GP6 file, could you share a couple of GP6 files that cause specific problems? and point exactly to the problems? Developers rely on these examples to improve the GP6 support.

3. If one organises his score in advance, then it's possible to achieve this currently. See this score (click download and download MSCZ), each voice can be muted or mixed in Display > Mixer.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

2. I didn't know that MuseScore can open GP6 directly. I will try that. Thanks!.

3. Great. Thanks!

1. Yes. I agree. I would probably do the same if I am playing for/in a group. If my job is to comp others, I would want my tempo to be as exact and as constant as possible to sync with the others. But for drilling one or two bars of unfamiliar phrases, it is very useful and effective to do tempo variation. It is like weight training, you don't lift your maximum weight at once, but warm it up with lighter weights and gradually increase the volumes.

It works very well when practicing with some complicated phrases if not too long. I don't suggest it for long hours of drilling, but 5~10 mins of scale or phrase drilling in this way is very useful for improving the techniques and the music vocabulary. It will be nice if there is this option I think.

p.s. attached two files and try to open it directly from GP6 but crashed. I have forwarded this error in the support and bug forum. Hope it could be solved.

Attachment Size
Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.gpx 25.07 KB
Sample, Variatio 9 Part1.xml 187.48 KB

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