Should Timeline be able to rearrange score's instrument order?

• Jul 18, 2017 - 22:50

This is how the instrument column of the timeline looks currently:


I'm thinking it would be useful to be able to quickly rearrange the Score's instrument order just using the Timeline.
This saves time from opening and closing the Edit->Instruments dialog. I would suggest having a little '^' and 'v' stacked vertically that appears when mouse-over each instrument...and when pressed the '^' or 'v' would promote or demote that instrument's Score order:


However, an argument JoshuaBonn1 raised against this was that the Timeline is not to be used for score editing, only navigation.


My view on the timeline working for navigation stemmed from a discussion with lasconic that the timeline is to be used for navigation. Rather than pack a bunch of functionality for the score into the timeline, let the user find where they are trying to edit and then use the score to edit.

With that being said, I do think this exists in a gray zone. There are plans to make the meta rows rearrange-able using the same idea as ericfontainejazz explained here, so it'd make sense to extend that ability down to the instruments as well.

In reply to by JoshuaBonn1

> "Rather than pack a bunch of functionality for the score into the timeline, let the user find where they are trying to edit and then use the score to edit."

Well this specific argument doesn't apply to rearranging instrument order, since navigation doesn't help find controls for rearranging instrument order.

But of course there is the more general argument that says timeline should only do one thing: navigation.

It has occurred to me that instruments hidden via Edit->Instruments are also hidden from the timeline. So a small problem would be that rearranging an instrument neighboring hidden instruments would be a bit ambiguous, case don't know where should move to relative the hidden instruments, since can't see them in the timeline.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

When I first saw your instrument list, I thought it would be good to be able to see invisible instrument somehow, perhaps grayed out. If I'm not going to use an instrument for several measures I will make it invisible until I need to use it. This is very useful in transcribing music.

In reply to by mike320

I too would find that functionlity useful. I didn't want to suggest it now in this forum post so that I can keep the feature requests sepeate. However, if do add show/hide functionlity to mixer, then that would resovle my concern above, since the hidden instruments would still be listed.

There is the additoinal question of whether cells for the instrument data should be displayed if that instrument is hidden. If the cell data was still shown, then would have to ensure that those cells aren't clickable. It might be better in that case to simply blank or grey out those hidden instrument cells.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

For the purpose that I would use it for it would be better to have a different colored hue to show used measures as with visible instruments. Go ahead and make them unclickable but show if there is music there. For the case of the song I'm currently working on this would be useful. It switches between 1, 2, 3 and back to 1 then 2....

In reply to by mike320

I do have a concern about having too many hues on the timeline. However, we are already using a light-cyan hue to represent cells that are not in the score view. I'm thinking it would keep the timeline not too busy if used that same hue to also represent hidden rows... Of course if used the same hue, then couldn't represent the fact that cells from hidden instruments are not clickable (other than a visual indicator for each instrument name indicating that it is hidden).

In reply to by mike320

Ok, so I'm trying to mock I have Alto Sax written in grey to indicate it is invisible, and then I'm using the same hue that cells outside of viewable range are colored with:


I'm think this works. (I'm even wondering the dark cyan thick lined border might even be unnecessary at this point...might be too much information.)

I'm wondering if there needs to be a little eye with its eyes shut or open when you can see when hover over instrument names, and then when you click it will toggle visibility.

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

Currently, no focus is held on the timeline, so keyboard shortcuts would not work unless that was changed (at least as far as I know). No focus is held to allow the user to copy, paste, and perform other keyboard commands on the score after using the timeline without having to click on the score before entering the command.

In reply to by RobFog

I do want more specific reason.

The thing that is different about most other edit operations is that rearranging & hiding instruments is something that is not currently editable from the score view. Which is why I'm want and think it is ok to be able to do that from the timeline.

In reply to by RobFog

Well Edit->Instruments (accessible via "i") is currently the place for rearranging and hiding instruments. There is no other suitable place other than this timeline, since the timeline has the advantage of having all the instrument names listed in a compact area. I do generally find myself doing a lot of hiding/unhiding and rearranging order when dealing with large scores where I'm dealing with sections where I only want to focus on a few instruments at a time. So a single-click operation here in the timeline to me is the most suitable place for that.

In reply to by mike320

I wish I had made a separate forum post for displaying cells of invisible instruments in light cyan and having a way to toggle via timeline. That way I don't get that discussion mixed with instrument reorder.

Anyway, I went ahead and filed an issue feature request for #234081: Display cells from hidden instruments in the timeline, using cyan shading, and maybe allow toggle hiding directly from timeline, since I haven't heard any objections to that and since the timeline is supposed to give an overview of the entire score.

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