Newbe question: notation style

• Aug 23, 2017 - 09:44

Sorry, I am new to musescore, and already in the first bar I encounter a problem I cannot solve with the help possibilities given. I have 4/4 measure.
The first quarter is a triplet
The second to fourth quarter are equal: a dotted eighth note and a sixteenth.

Now what does musescore do? It attaches connects
triplet - dotted eighth -sixteenth
dotted eighth-sixteenth-dotted eigth-sisteenth
and what I need is
dotted eighth - sixteenth
dotted eighth - sixteenth
dotted eighth - sixteenth
This cannot be so difficult!

Thanks for your help

Attachment Size
Nolayes.pdf 300.07 KB


Here is my second file, which shows what I don*t want.
I could not attach it to the question.

Also, I have a typo:
Instead of:
Now what does musescore do? It attaches connects
it should be
Now what does musescore do? It connects

Still thanks for any help!

Attachment Size
Nolano.pdf 39.29 KB

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