Key signature weird?!?!

• Oct 13, 2017 - 22:27

Hi, I am trying to put a b flat key signature at the start for a piece for a b flat clarinet group, but whenever i put the b flat in the key signature it always changes to f sharp?!?! Any help?


In reply to by jamgallace

"I am trying to put a b flat key signature at the start for a piece for a b flat clarinet group, but whenever i put the b flat in the key signature it always changes to f sharp"

As Jojo mentions, the B-flat Clarinet is a transposing instrument, meaning the key displayed for the instrument is not the "actual" key. But It seems you actually want the key of F major (one flat) rather than B-flat major (2 flats), and is why you are seeing G major instead of C major as the transposed key. In the case with the clarinet, the "B-flat" indicates it's relation to the key of C. In B-flat concert, the key signature displayed for B-flat instruments is the key of C. In other words, these instruments get transposed up a whole step (major 2nd). If you were writing this for someone to play, this would be understood.

The "problem" you seem to be getting is that want it to be displayed in the actual key. To do this, go to [Notes] from the top menu and select [Concert Pitch].

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