Is there a way to add 2 chords above the same note ?

• Nov 8, 2017 - 07:29

Sometimes I'd like 2 different chords above the same note :
One basic chord and another optional one for reharmonization or because there's a difference between melody chord and improvisation chord.
Currently I do that by cheating : I add the 2nd chord on another note which doesn't need one and then I manually move the chord at the right place.
I wonder if there's a cleaner way ?


You can add it to the same note.
If you do this often, consider creating a text style which has the extra vertical offset; then apply that text style to those chords. Makes it easier to change them all in one go if needed.

In reply to by arvy

(some text disappeared in my comment, should have previewed)

OK I found it. Instead of CTRL K, it's CTRL KK.
The only thing I didn't find yet is a shortcut to go the next double chord, because SPACE seems to jump back to the default " CTRL K" chord

In reply to by arvy

Not sure what you mean about Ctrl+KK, that's not a shortcut defined by MuseScore.

Anyhow, there is no way to just move to the next chord and keep the custom style, you need to apply the custom style individually. One useful technique is to add the alternate chords in voice 2, so you can then easily select them all when done and apply the text style in one step. Another approach is to enter the alternate chords first, select them all, then apply the text style.

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