Chord notation minor bug

• Dec 19, 2017 - 16:04

In jazz notation entering Bbo does not superscript the bo.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am in jazz style - I know a lot make this mistake but as I said it works with Bbo9 which should have clued you to the fact I was in jazz style . I too am in Windows 7 Musescore 2.1.0 871c8ce I have Windows Pro not home, but that should have no affect as ther are fewer problems with Pro not more.

In reply to by CEOmike

My guess is that the file was imported from 1.3 which didn't understand chord symbols nearly as well, and some of that "dumbness" unfortunately gets baked into the score and makes it hard for more recent versions to fix. Or perhaps the score was initially set to French or Solfeggio style, in which "Bb" is not a legal chord name to begin with, which prevented the "o" from being recognized either. Or you were editing a piece of text you thought was a chord symbol but was actually staff text. But if you see it happen again, do report back, an attach the score so we can investigate further.

In order to get "Jazz" chord symbol notation style, you need to select it in Style / Chord Symbols. If you do that, then the diminished symbol gets superscripted. It does not get superscripted in "Standard" style, even if you select a jazz-type font in Style / Text.

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