How to change between staff styles in the middle of a piece?

• Feb 10, 2018 - 03:19


 I'm wondering how I could switch from a multi-barred staff to a single barred staff without changing the overall format of the entire staff. I've already tried "Advanced Staff Properties" which doesn't allow you to switch between staff styles, only number of barlines. It also won't change to clef for example, a glockenspiel staff (Treble) to a bass drum clef (Percussion; ll). And when I have attempted to use the "Advanced Staff Properties", the effects are dispersed throughout the entire score instead of just that measure and onward. For reference,  I've included a PDF of John Mackey's "Frozen Cathedral". On page 16, m. 106 of the triangle staff. That's what I'm going for.


Attachment Size
FrozenCathedral-locked mvt 2.pdf 1.87 MB


I'm not clear on what you mean by "multi-barred" - are you referring to the number of staff lines (eg, 5 for a standard staff, 1 or 3 for some percussion staves)? If so, you can't change this for a single staff, but you can add both staves then use "Style / General / Hide empty staves" so only the relevant one shows at any given time.

Starting with MuseScore 3 this will be possible more directly, but that's still a ways off.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I mean changing the style of a staff from a pitched to a non pitched in the middle of a piece for a single or few measures. Like from a single barred staff to a multi barred staff. In MuseScore, you can only adjust the staff as a whole as opposed to a single measure as seen in the picture I've attached. If I adjust the style, it affects the entire score. I want to isolate the style.

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Screenshot (2573).png 8.27 KB

In reply to by Derp_29

My answer before applies still: the way to do this currently is to add both staves, and use "Hide empty staves so only the needed one is visible at a time. Normally this would only apply system-by-system, so you couldn't change in the middle of a system as shown in your picture, but you can achieve that effect if necessary by adding a zero-width horizontal frame at the place you want the change to occur.

As mention, there will be better direct support for this in a future release.

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