Playback not working

• May 14, 2018 - 14:44

The playback feature is not working on Musescore for me. I have downloaded the latest version, reset it to factory settings, and all the audio on other programmes is fine, it just isn't letting me click the button to start playback. Pressing the spacebar doesn't start playback either, and I can't open the play panel. What is the issue?


Did it ever work before? If your playback button is greyed out, that's not a soundfont problem - it's an audio driver problem. For whatever reaosn, it seems MuseScore can not locate your audio device. What do you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O? What OS are you on?

In reply to by mike320

It did work, and then I would have done some work on my dissertation (Microsoft Word+Zotero) and listened to some music (Spotify). I emailed someone a PowerPoint (Firefox), and then shut it down. When I opened the laptop this morning, it wasn't working. I don't know if that gives any clues?

In reply to by jbrydon96

Did Spotify do an update? Would you know if it did? I've never used Spotify so I don't know if it updates on the sly. Did you adjust any volume for Spotify? Was it from within Spotify or did you use the system volume? Did you accidentally mute MuseScore in the system volume control?

In reply to by jbrydon96

If the menus are greyed out, how would you know they are empty? So, for instance, the File menu is greyed out, but you somehow you are able to see that it is empty, or is it just that nothing happens when you click on it, because it is greyed out? Can you post a screenshot?

One though - are you perhaps in Edit mode? That would grey out a number of menu options Simply pressing Esc gets you out of that.

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