Coda: a question of style?

• Jun 10, 2018 - 14:16

This is not specifically MuseScore related but may be just a question of style. Is there an accepted or preferred way of separating the coda visually from the rest of the score or should the score simply continue into the coda?

I have currently used a vertical frame to create a small gap but is it more usual to start a new stave line or have no visual break at all?


In reply to by yonah_ag

Using the frame is normal if the end of the section before the coda only takes up a small part of the final system, other wise putting a system break before the coda and starting it on a new line with a frame to indent it a little is normal. The indentation is not always there, but there should always some sort of break between the D.C/S. al Coda and the Coda.

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