Setting default printing papersize

• Jul 13, 2018 - 14:21

Do not know how this has happened but recently every time I want to print a score I have to enter the desired paper size. In the past I did this once and set it to paper size A3, but now every time when printing a sheet, I have to enter that size anew because its default setting is always A4.
How can I change this to A3?
My O.S. is PCLinuxOS KDE5


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have to report that this is not true. I have noticed the same thing. It started on a newer release of 3.0. This did not happen on the first release of 3.0. I am on a linux system. My default paper size, as set by paperconf and in /etc/papersize is letter, and has always been, yet with a recent version upgrade of MuseScore, the default when using print to file is coming up as A4, even though my document paper size is letter. MuseScore 1.x did not work this way, nor 2.x, nor even the first couple of versions of 3.x

In reply to by Jim Newby

I would guess what I wrote remains true in general, but maybe the specific way the default pge size is determined on Linux may have changed, either with an update in your Linux repo or perhaps a change in the Qt libraries we rely on. I don't know Linux well enough to say, but the code really does check printers, so you do have make sure you have a printer configured and that it isn't set to override paperconf or /etc/pagesize. MuseScore doesn't check OS-dependent files like that, we query the default printer.

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