Without changing the sheet music, can I change the tune when playing?

• Jul 18, 2018 - 11:50

Without changing the sheet music edited in MuseScore, can I change(mainly upward) the tune when playing?
I want to use this function for guitar music using a capotasto.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I guess you mean this? : https://musescore.org/en/node/268639

EDIT: alternatively, but only for the two first frets (ie Capo1, and Capo 2), you can follow a different way, ie:

Select all the score (Ctrl + A) -> hit "Notes" tab, at the bottom of the Inspector panel -> Change the value of "Tuning". The 100,00 value corresponds to a semitone (= one fret/Capo1) ; the 200,00 value to a tone (= two frets/Capo2)

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