Ghost notes!

• Aug 6, 2018 - 00:46


When I instert a ghost note, I dont listen the diference between normal note and ghost note.
Sombody know how do that the volume changes?


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In reply to by Ary Duduletz

Velocity = volume in the inspector. Offset does exactly what it sounds like, offsets the velocity the specified amount from the last dynamic in the score (default dynamic is mf) and the max velocity is always in the range of 0-127. So if the dynamic is f (velocity=96) an offset dynamic of -20 would change the velocity to 76. Using offset is easier in this case because you don't need to worry about the current dynamic. You can set the velocity to user and then the volume will become absolute. If you set it to 49 it will be equal to p dynamic. If you consider all ghost notes to have a particular volume, this would be a useful option.

In reply to by Ary Duduletz

Don't worry about your English. You did so well before that I didn't think you had any problems with it. What is your native language?

If you do not enter a dynamic on your score, MuseScore assumes there is an mf dynamic at the start of the score. This is the definition of a defualt dynamic. Dynamic is a volume direction such as mp or ff. Things like dim... and cresc... are also considered dynamics, but if you are entering the score these will not change the actual volume unless you tell them to.

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