Notes changed after accidentally clicking Drumset in Mixer

• Sep 10, 2018 - 22:19


I have a score with several Vocals. In the mixer, I clicked accidentally on Drumset, and the look of some notes changed to drum notes. They remain drum notes, even after unchecking drumset.

Closing the score, and even restarting Musescore didn't help, they stay. How can I change these notes back? I noticed after several minutes, and I saved.

Is this a bug, or is there an easy way?


Attachment Size
Bildschirmfoto 2018-09-10 um 23.10.59.png 130.15 KB


Right click into the staff, staff properties, change instrument (to the one it should be, even if that is the same as it currently appears to be)
Or right click onto a note, select all similar and then in Inspector reet them all to their default

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