-R versus -F from the command line

• Sep 25, 2018 - 02:55

I ran MuseScore 3.0a using the -R option because a score prevented the program from starting. I was hoping the meant I wouldn't have to redo all of my shortcuts and workspace, but apparently -R DOES get rid of your preferences. It seems -R is identical to -F and the handbook should be fixed.


In reply to by mattmcclinch

Indeed, seems the handbook is wrong. -R does delete prefecences, as the help message (which won't show on Windows, but will on Mac and Linux, if using the options -?, -h or --help) makes clear too:
parser.addOption(QCommandLineOption({"R", "revert-settings"}, "Revert to default preferences"));

-F additionally does not list the recent scores, (re)sets the main window's size, shows palette and inspector, sets language to 'system', does not read a possible existing modified keysigs or timesigs palette, does not restore geometry settings of any dialog from a previous session and few other things.

But maybe -R should really just remove the MuseScore*.ini file and not also recursively the entire directory that contains updated translations, workspaces, palettes and shortcuts

See https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/3989

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