Cannot find Help / Resource Manager. Not able to install new drum lines

• Nov 15, 2018 - 14:31

I was trying to install the new drum lines. Unfortunatlely, this was not successful because I could not find the Musescore Resource Manager:

Step 2 - Open the Resource Manager

Once you have installed MuseScore 2.3, go to the Resource Manager (Help / Resource Manager).

I could not find Help / Resource Manager.

Can you help me out?


Theo Thomassen, Musescore Pro


Ah, I found out that the translation of the English "Help / Resource Manager" to Dutch in MuseScore Help is "Help / Taal en taalverbeteringen...". After clicking this option a dialogue box opens with name "MuseScore databronnen", which is another translation. Not very comprehensice... Finally, I could install the new drum lines. Topic closed!


There was indeed an issue when shipping Dutch translations for 2.3.2 at release time.

You can however go into that "Databronnen-beheer" window, select the languages ("Talen") tab and update the translations for Dutch (klik op "Bijwerken" bij Nederlands).
Once the button changes to indicate the language has been updated, restart MuseScore.

The Help option will now read Help → Beheer databronnen…

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