Trill auto placement in 3.0

• Nov 27, 2018 - 20:33

trill distance.PNG

Does anyone think a trill line should be placed that far above a note when it's auto placed? There is nothing causing it to move that high.

In an attempt to reduce this distance, I use Format->Style...->Trill and changed the Y offsets for the trill above and there was no display change. I realize you can change them by selecting several and using the inspector, but I'm trying to change the default behavior.


I agree it's too high. I suspect the code calculating the bounding box for the trill line is too conservative. Try placing a plain line for comparison. Also try without the tie. Autoplace is seeing a collision betwene the trill and the tie, unnecessarily. That's why changing the default height isn't helping. There should probably be an additional setting here to set the autoplace minimum distance, as there is for some other elements. A negative value here would have worked around the problem nicely.

As for proper length, Gould goes to end of measure (or just before the next note), so that's what we do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The plain line looks fine and removing the tie makes the trill look better but neither of those is the problem. The problem is that the Format->Style... setting has no effect on a trill. I did the same Y offset for an ottava as for a trill to see what would happen. When I changed the Y offset to -6, the ottava moved way up as expected and the trill line stayed put. The problem is that style changes are not being applied to trills.

When I first saw it, I thought it was simply a matter of taste. It's clear that a matter of taste or not, there is a problem.

It seems a bug report is called for.

In reply to by mike320

OK, I see what you mean. My understanding is that style settings are supposed to set a default, and then autoplacement kicks in to possibly move the element from there to avoid a collision. If you turn off autoplacement, the element should return to its style default placement (collision or no), but I can see this isn't working for trills - it's always going back to 0. So yes, that's a bug.

I'd say it's also a bug that autoplacement is so aggressive here, detecting a collision unnecessarily. That's unrelated, and somewhat more minor in comparison, but also worth filing. I'd also support a suggestion that "autoplace min distance" be implemented for trills.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The min distance from the nearest line is my understanding. In my testing for this discussion, when I moved the ottava way up, it didn't move again until the notes under it made it move, and then it was a reasonable distance from the nearest note. If trills follow this procedure, I don't see a need for an "autoplace min distance."

I will put in two linked bug reports so it is clear they are related but their fixes are probably different.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks. I've added my notes. To me, the need for autoplace min distance is the same as for any other element, to let different people set their own "house styles" for how far they want markings to be from notes. But indeed, with a good enough default, people are less likeley to want to customize.

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