.mscz file is corrupted
Hey folks!
im far away from being a muscical expert / musescore expert.
Ive recently found a song which id love to import into musescore but it wont let properly import it :/
i get the message: "Measure 28 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 19/16"
As a beginner in this i just cant figure out how to fix this, have been trying for days...
I've started off with a pdf-file.
I'd love if anyone is kind enough to help me/ fix my problem.
thanks in advance!
Attachment | Size |
mumu.mscz | 34.49 KB |
²ÞÀÇ_µµ½Ã_·¹Ç︥(Laecheln,_The_City_of_Dreams).pdf | 97.4 KB |
See https://musescore.org/en/node/54721
In reply to See https://musescore.org/en… by Jojo-Schmitz
thanks for the fast answer!
I've had this page open before, unfortunately it's not helping me (as i dont understand what they want me todo due to my poor musical understanding)
Hi, for me the 28 is correct, but many others are wrong, for exemple the 2 before 27 and 26, and the next, the 29.......and others, too many times for a 4/4 piece . You can try to delete one of these wrong measures and re-write, but I think after correcting one, MS says you another is wrong. It's a MIDI file inport i think you will not be able to use it .
In reply to Hi, for me the 28 is correct… by Raymond Wicquart
hey, thanks for answering!
which version of MuseScore are you using? ive tried MS 1,2 and 3 and all of them give me diffrent error messages :b
so you're basically saying the notes are too messed up?
Also, what do you mean by "It's a MIDI file inport"?
ive also attached the pdf-file i have the notes from if thats any help
In reply to hey, thanks for answering!… by attiborn1
PDF import seems to have failed quite miserable. Guess you're much better of enter the score from scratch manually
In reply to PDF import seems to have… by Jojo-Schmitz
ok. this is the point where my project dies. haha
i am not able to do so.
Thanks for taking time to help me though, really appreciate it!
In reply to ok. this is the point where… by attiborn1
Why? It is just 3 pages and a bit, should be entered in maybe an hour or two?
Edit: here's the 1st page, done in 3.0 Beta
In reply to Why? It is just 3 pages and… by Jojo-Schmitz
you underestimate my incompetence haha
i really really am clueless as to what most of the characters/notes do/mean.
i mean... i can try but in the end it will probably sound nothing like its suppost to be :)
In reply to you underestimate my… by attiborn1
2nd page now too
In reply to 2nd page now too by Jojo-Schmitz
And now the complete score