Moving all the staffs up on the page

• Jan 7, 2019 - 19:03

I've written a song with lyrics and would like it to all be on one page. When I added a subtitle and composer, the last staff got bumped to a 2nd page. Is there a way to move all staffs up to eliminate the space between the subtitle and first staff?


I discovered there is a larger gap between 2 sets of staffs on the page. I don't know how I did that, but It may be the source of my problem. any suggestions?

In reply to by Jan Johnston

I reset everything to their default positions and saved the file. You entered some of the lyrics in the wrong verses, then relocated them where they looked right. MuseScore kept the space for these lyrics though.

In measures 18-21, your first verse is entered into the second verse and "prom" is in verse 7.

You probably entered the score in page view (like what you have now), didn't like how it looked, and fixed it. If you enter the score in continuous view, you will see when you change verses easier. Once the score is entered you can look at it in page view and make minor adjustments like entering the system breaks.

Child of Promise Lullabye.mscz

It's not necessary to reenter the entire score, but you need to delete the verses in measures 17-21 and enter them correctly.

I also noticed that the Ev - in measure 9 is in the wrong verse. The easiest way to add this is to double click "fret" in verse 7, move the cursor to the end of the word, then press space until the cursor is in measure 9. You can then enter the "ev-" and it will be fixed.

In reply to by Jan Johnston

I used ctrl+a to select everything then I pressed ctrl+r to reset everything to their styles. This undid any moves you made with the mouse, dragging or inspector.

What made me decide to do that is it was a single staff with extra distance and there was no obvious explanation for the extra distance. When you enter something that causes extra space, moving it does not eliminate the extra space. You're not the first to post a similar problem here in the forums.

I thought there was an explanation in the handbook, but I'm not finding it where I expected to see it. The version 2 handbook is now frozen from what I understand, but I'll make sure it gets into the version 3 handbook when it comes out.

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