Cant print certain parts.

• Jan 15, 2019 - 05:30

I have a problem and it wont let me print specific instrument parts (Clarinet and Trumpet.) What happens is, I click the print button and it wont load the pdf but if I click print on any other part it works just fine.


You'll need to attach the score and tell which version you're using along with operating system and which printer your using. It sounds like your using a print to PDF program so that may make a difference.

What do you mean "load the PDF"? The print button doesn't load a PDF, it displays the print dialog. At least, it does within MuseScore. Maybe you are actually talking about, not MuseScore itself? If so, best to ask for help over there. If you do mean MuseScore itself, please give us precise steps to reproduce the problem - what to do after we download your score then load it into MuseScore.

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