Dialog Buttons Are Not Accessible

• Jan 25, 2019 - 10:26

MuseScore 3 is great, and I like the auto layout abilities. However, I use large fonts on my windows PC, and MuseScore 2 worked fine with it. However, the new version has many problems with dialog sizes (the mixer, the style dialog). They appear too big, and the buttons on the buttom are unreachable, and the windows of the dialogs can not be resized to be smaller so that the buttons will appear. Attached is a screen shot, that shows the style dialog with the buttons out of reach. Are the developers aware of that issue?

Thanks a lot for this amazing software!

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Untitled.png 307.44 KB


Known problem with too small screens resp. too high scaling settings, and esp. with the styles dialog (which is the largest one we have), but also the mixer

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