MIDI Keyboard doesn`t work

• Feb 28, 2019 - 20:52

I have connected a MIDI keyboard Kontact Komplete A49 and I have achieved to enter notes in the score once and they will sound, but in a new score it has stopped working and I have not achieved to enter notes or get sounds


Did you try restarting MuseScore after connecting your keyboard? Does the other score still work? Can you attach the score that doesn't, and describe precisely - step by step - what you are trying?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc for your answer,
my answers:
1) Yes
2) No yet, so it was a test and I closed the score without saving. When I opened a new score again didn`t work
3) Step by step is as following:
- I connect teh keyboard
- I start musescore
- I start new sheet introducing datas
- I click musical notes introducing button
- I check that MIDI icon is in blue color
- When I play the keyboard I can not ear any sound

Finally, I attach the file Test.mscz
Thank you

Attachment Size
Test.mscz 4.14 KB

In reply to by jgrpmp123

Do you see your keybaord listed in Edit / Preferences / I/O? If not, then MuseScore isn't seeing it, you might need an updated device driver for it (a 64-bit version, perhaps).

If you do see the keyboard listed, try first entering a note by typing its letter (eg, "C"), then - without leaving note input mode - try pressing an "E" on your keyboard. Does this do anything? If it adds an "E" to the same chord as the "C", it means MsueScore isn't seeing a "note off" from your keyboard - maybe something you can correct by using some setting on the keyboard.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Do you see your keybaord listed in Edit / Preferences / I/O? Yes
If you do see the keyboard listed, try first entering a note by typing its letter (eg, "C"), then - without leaving note input mode - try pressing an "E" on your keyboard. Does this do anything? No
The keyboard works good with any DAW

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