Dowload 3.0.3 fails - windows 10

• Feb 28, 2019 - 15:40

Tried downloading several times.
Downloads to desktop but will not open. Cursor shows working in background but after 2 or three minutes of no progress I double click and click on 'close program'.
I then try opening from desktop shortcut, same problem.
On one ocasion I managed to open it through opening a copy score in a holding folder, the 'new score' window came up, I closed that to open a score I was working on but
it crashed back to desktop screen.
I must havet ried downloading at least 8 times now.
I have tried to download older versions - no good! it always wants to load 3.0.3.
Any help much appreciated as I am now without my Musescore!
Please keep it simple though, I am not very tech proficient!
Thanks, Gunnerpancho


In reply to by TheOtherJThistle

Hi! James
Yep! Launch from Windows Start Menu = 3:10! - from Shortcut Icon = 2:10 - from r/click on shortcut and click 'open' = 2.10 and from a separate desktop folder, in which I keep copies of scores etc. 2:5.
I just tried it last night after receiving your e mail. I'll try again later and if it's a better result I'll let you know.
Thanks for your help.

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