Staff Text Properties not showing options

• Mar 28, 2019 - 01:09

I am using pizzicato and Arco indicators in a string quartet arrangement and the pizzicato function is not an option when I select staff properties. It is only not working on this single score. Any idea how to get that functionality back?

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The most likely cause is that this score was imported from version 2. To fix it, right click the staff, select staff/part properties and then click change instruments and select the same instrument, this will update the channels in the mixer.

If you are using the last MuseScore version (3.0.5), it seems to me that this functions will not be present in that options. MuseScore 3.0.5 now has a separate special text to get the pizzicato and arco. Look for into the "Palettes" (Advanced mode), sub palette "Text", and you will get what you want to do.

In reply to by jotape1960

Those "Text" are just preformatted staff text. You can still use staff text as you did previously. The problem is that at some point the sound channels for string instruments changed and when you open a file created with older versions the channels are lost. Changing the instrument to the same instrument fixes this.

In reply to by mike320

"Those "Text" are just preformatted staff text."
I know that your advice refers specifically to the case of moving a score from MS2 to MS3.

But to make it clearer to future readers of this thread, let's also point out that in the (Advanced) Text palette those preformatted texts arco , pizz. and tremolo also automatically set the Channel for Voice 1 on that instrument to arco, pizzicato or tremolo respectively.

Before these special text elements were added to the Text palette, we had to dive into "Stave Text Properties... > Change Channel" every single time to a) select Voice 1 and b) set the Channel appropriately. The new Text elements are a huge time-saver.

In reply to by DanielR

@DanielR, that is nice to know info for those who don't know, but the bottom line is that it is not required to use the text in the palette to change sounds as Juan implied. If the channel is missing in the mixer you will never get them to work. You need to fix the instrument in these cases as I explained.

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